Phasor Energy Company, Inc.
About Phasor Energy
Projects / Experience
Contact Us

Phasor offers a range of engineering and consulting services encompassing the entire life span of a project from conceptual planning, through design and engineering, project management, installation, startup testing, data collection, analysis, performance evaluation and reporting.  We hold a Professional Engineers license (electrical) in Arizona, and work with qualified professionals of other disciplines as necessary to provide complete system designs.

A few examples of our recent consulting and engineering jobs are:
  • Design of a photovoltaic system for Flagstaff City Hall
  • Design of a photovoltaic system for a new 15-story building in Phoenix
  • Design of a photovoltaic system for sign lighting
  • Design consulting for a new photovoltaic module (currently undergoing UL certification)

Phasor Energy Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 31627
Phoenix, AZ 85046-1627

Phone: (602) 765-4467
Fax: (602) 404-1765